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„Świat wokół nas – współdziałamy i współtworzymy”
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

‘The World Around Us – we interact and create ’ project will be implemented by Marshal J. Pilsusdki’s Primary School no. 32 in Radom. The main objective of this project is to combine the social integration at local level ( cooperation and creation) with the promotion of international cooperation ( the world around us), introduction of innovative approaches to teaching and learning (CLIL method) as well as the ICT tools use. As the result of our school cooperation with local institution (such as primary schools, kindergartens and the community centre club) we are actively engaged in various cultural and educational activities. However, we have never participated in any long-term international project (besides the few e-twinning projects) that would include the international training courses. Our school also faces numerous problems related both to small parental support for the students’ after-school activities as well to economical difficulties that the number of families is experimenting at the moment. Many of our students are socially marginalised because of the rising level of unemployment which forces them to depend on social welfare. Other inconvenience could be the fact that our staff has a low level of English language competence along with a low level of dissemination of good teaching practices and lack of skills to use ICT tools. The main goals we would like to achieve participating in this project are: • improvement of language competence and teaching skills among our teachers, • improvement of key competences and skills of English language teachers, • introduction of innovative teaching approach - CLIL method – into the process of teaching and learning (our priority objective), • enhancement of the international dimension of education through cooperation with other European primary schools during eTwinning projects, • increase of the attractiveness of our educational activities and offer, • foster social integration at local level, in particular through implementing innovative methods and creative ideas, • increase of motivation and satisfaction of students, parents and teachers. To achieve all these objectives, following seven teachers have been carefully selected from our staff: 1. Dorota Szczepańska (nature and junior school teacher) – General English Language Course/ CLIL Course in Ireland 2. Elżbieta Grzegorczyk (maths teacher) - General English Language Course in Ireland 3. Joanna Kowalska (history & RE teacher) - General English Language Course in Ireland 4. Małgorzata Pyrek (maths teacher) - General English Language Course / CLIL Course in Ireland 5. Anna Wieruszewska (Polish teacher) - General English Language Course in Ireland 6. Agnieszka Szyszka – Fereniec (English teacher) – Staging Time for English Pronunciation Course in Ireland 7. Dorota Wieruszewska (English teacher) – English Language Training and Irish Culture Course in Ireland To accomplish our objectives concerning school development after training period, we will: • implement CLIL into our teaching performance; • enhance the international cooperation with other European primary schools; • involve more teachers in eTwinning projects (better language competence); • improve competences, linked to teachers’ professional profiles; • present our improved level of skills and competences through workshops and staff trainings organised for teachers of our school and partner educational institutions; • enrich our educational offers by adding new cultural and educational projects; • promote Irish culture during English language lessons; • improve learning performance of our students, especially the ones with low learning performance and those socially marginalised; • promote the European projects and the EU values; • increase the use of ICT tools during teaching and learning process. The participants of the project will get good quality preparation before their mobility activity to produce better outcomes. The arrangements will include: • linguistic support – additional English language course in Poland for non-English language teachers; • cultural support – exchanging information about Irish culture; • choice of the school co-ordinator to monitor and support the participants during mobility; • presentation of the EU projects, programmes and values; • purchase of life insurance policy (opitional); • introduction to eTwinning support services; • presentation of detailed information about travel and accommodation conditions as well as communication between participants during mobility; • European Health Insurance Card; • meetings organised for all the participants to give all types of support; We plan to use such national and European recognition tools as: • Europass Mobility; • Europass – Europass Skills Passport: the Curriculum Vitae, the Language Passport; • National qualification tools.

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