Swedish - European Vocational Training
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Torsbergsgymnasiet has developed a plan for internationalization which school staff and school management has approved. This application will be the first, but certainly not the last one, which in a strategical way builds on to this plan.
The project is aimed for students and staff in three of our vocational programmes. In a longer perspective we will enlarge these activities, but this project will be a new start for us.
The project will develop staff and students in their professions and/or in their future vocational roles, they will also gain transversal competencies and language skills plus understand that there are good opportunities for further studies or job possibilities in Europe. The project will stimulate vocational and geographical mobility.
One school principal and at least six vocational trainers (two from each of the three programmes) will have contacts to a upper secondary collage in Albenga in Italy and with five authorised automechanic companies in Gap in France.
In all 45 students from Restaurant-, Childcare- and Automechanic programmes visit an uppersecondary vocational collage in Italy or private companies in France. During this visit they will be offered a special visits and practical programme, in which both students and teachers take part. Examples could be restaurant kitchens and food producers, pre-schools an kindergartens or work-practising in car repairing companies.
Students and teachers from the automechanic programme take part in a two weeks' programme in five especially chosen car mechanic companies in France. We have built up a very special relation to these companies for a number of years and the students get a very useful workplace training there. .
The project as a whole will not only mean competence enhancement but or work place training, but should also be seen as a sign on the school's ambition to work with internationalzation in a more strategical way. Both staff and students will take part in planning - preparations - active visits - evaluation and dissemination. In a longer perspective this will have a big impact on our school and on Bollnäs municipality.
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