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Съвременни умения за млади модни дизайнери в международна среда
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The needs of our project 'Modern Skills for Young Fashion Designers in International Environment' are a result from the specific relationship between the education and the business in Bulgaria. The big sewing companies have concrete requirements for having practice there in real working environment, which are not affordable for the budget of our school. The small companies don't have the needed modern technologies. That's why our students can't get aware and work with modern technologies for design and constructing of clothing and their skills are built mainly theoretically and with the equipment at school, which is good, but getting older. For giving better perspective for the future of our students we have 3 goals: 1) The students to build over the quality of knowledge and competences, acquired at school by practicing in real high-tech working environment; 2) To get to know modern technologies in the field of fashion and design, to develop their potential and enforce their motivation - it will also improve the image of the school. 3) To build the confidence of competent and skillful personalities - professionals, concurrent at the international labor market. The participants will be 20 students from classes 9,10,11 from 2 specialties: 'Fashion Design' and 'Constructing, modeling and technology of textile clothing'. From all the applicants will be chosen the most motivated to improve, with the best studying results and best English language knowledge. They will be perfectly prepared for the mobility with courses and workshops in the school: 20 lessons vocational English; CAD-CAM systems; basic Italian words for elementary communication; Italian historical cultural symbols; the values of the European union and the goals of this project; basic skills for traveling in a big group; team ethics and responsibility. During the preparation at school interactive methods will be used, role-plays, multimedia presentations, lectures and discussions. During the practice in Italy will be used the following methods: multimedia presentations in the company and the schools visited; specific practical tasks for elaborating on working places with the use of modern cutting and sewing technologies; work on production chains; demonstrations by some modelers and designers of the company; team work; workshops in groups in a school similar to ours, where Italian students will teach ours through 'learning by doing' of 4-5 technics; monitoring of lessons for computer design in a similar school for fashion design; common workshops in drawing models. During the visit in the fashion house 'Armani' or 'Diesel' all the departments will be visited with the stages of elaborating designer's garment. The visits in museums and a gallery will be enriching experience for the young, which passion is painting and art. The cultural program - tours of 4 cities in the region in the weekends will enrich them with a new sense for the fine architecture, the European history and culture. As a result of all the various activities and the practice the participants will grow up spiritually and as personalities, will develop social skills for communication in foreign environment, will improve their English, their practical skills for working with modern technologies in the field of fashion design and will acquire new confidence of young professionals, stronger motivation to work on their specialty. The Europass certificate will empower their concurrence on the European labor market. The project will have great influence over the personal and professional improvement of the participants - 20 more reliable citizens of the European union will contribute to the future. The Long life learning attitude, the will to participate in more international projects, the spirit of European identity developed in the participants will be shared with priority in all the planned activities for spreading the results. We will achieve sustainability and long-term profits: The participants will share their experience in the social networks during the mobility, and after coming back to Sofia - by presentations in all the classes, in front of guests, parents at parents' meetings, on posters in the school lobby; - Enriching the teaching methodology in 2 subjects - learning practice and theory; - A DVD and guide with good practices( made by the participants), accessible for everybody in the school library. Publications; - Organizing a working meeting at school for sharing good practices with principles of similar school, representatives of the business, the Regional inspectorate and the Ministry of Education and Science. This project is a part of the complete school strategy for development. Our school will continue to look for new opportunities for financing through projects in order to create conditions for connecting the business with the education, to improve the teachers and educate the students as Long life learning personalities in the spirit of the European integration.

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