European Projects
Sužinok! Išmok! Tobulėk!
Sužinok! Išmok! Tobulėk!
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2016
The project - "Know! Learn! Grow! " is dedicated to Individual‘s mobility for learning purposes. This project has been presenting since the consortium. Consortium members are Veisiejai Technology and Business School, Varėnos Technology and Business School and Druskininkai Trade School.
Project duration is one year. Start date is 2015-06-01, end date is 2016-06-01.
The target group of the project is second or third year students (of initial vocational training) who are studying culinary. Additionally, they have already passed the theoretical and have started the practical training.
The main goal of the project is to meet students' needs in order to increase practical competencies of culinary sector, as well as to improve linguistic, social and personal competences.
Receiving partners are secondary school im. Edmund Bojanowskiego w Lubska, Poland and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Hungary.
Two internships are planned during the process. The first internship will take place in Poland in October - November. The second one - in February and March of 2016 in Hungary. The duration of each internship is 4 weeks. 9 pupils will be sent from each members of the consortium which means 3 students from each country. Selected students will be chosen according to a predetermined selection procedure and selection criteria. An Accompanying person will be provided for both internships.
While we were planning internships, we have also collaborated with host organisations to plan goals, content and duration of visits. Additionally, internship program activities were set, which would improve our students' professional, linguistic, social and cultural needs. Details regarding insurance, travel, accommodation, catering, maintenance issues were organised.
Participants gained skills will be assessed as a chef practical part of the training program, respectively formalized in documents, including the Europass Mobility document. Such recognition will allow the placement participants to demonstrate their competencies much better in the field of cooking, which will provide better employment opportunities not only in Lithuanian, but also in the labor market of the European Union member states.
Results of the internship are well improved professional knowledge, practical, language skills, i.e., improved learning outcomes. By improving the professional and linguistic skills employment opportunities for career will be increased. By participating in internships students will get a great opportunity to get to know other countries, their culture and traditions, i.e. they will enrich their world outlook.
Each internship will also have long-lasting value. Lessons learned will give a great start for continuous professional and personal development, will increase the motivation to learn, improve and broaden professional horizon. Internship abroad will increase students' knowledge of foreign languages, will increase the of their independence, initiative, adaptability, cooperation in the international environment.
Participating members of the consortium will increase the ability to work at the international level and will be seeking for innovative and quality trainings in more practical implementation of the international media in the future.