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Sustainable Quality in VET

This project reflects the Leonardo da Vinci priority for Call of 2012 and focuses on quality in VET. It supports the implementation / use of the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework by supporting the use of self assessment and peer review in the quality assurance process of VET organisations.In close cooperation between VET and the world of work we develop a set of quality criteria for "Sustainability in VET" that can be used for initial and continuous training of VET teachers, trainers, tutors and VET institution managers aswell as for transnational peer reviews. We update former LdV-projects outcomes (PEER REVEIW; PRISDOQ) related to the implementation of the CQAF in view of the adaptation to the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework EQUARF and a transversal KA3-ICT-projects outcomes (ISABEL):In PRISDOQ transnational peer reviews were used as a tool for quality development in VET organizations and national VET systems. One of the important means is a “toolbox” ( ) which includes 14 Quality Areas. In this LdV-partnership we want to further develop these Quality Areas by developing a new additional one - Quality Area 15 “Sustainability in VET”. The project partners - as community reporters - will use QA 15 and document sustainability in VET in partners organizations by means of Interactive Social Media. The community reporters content will be shared with the interested public by means of a blog - like in ISABEL. We reflect both on VET in gereral and on e-VET.In this way the project wants to further improve and develop the VET systems in partners countries and to promote a culture of quality improvement and innovation on organisational level.

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4 Partners Participants