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Sustainable Freight Transport - Now and Tomorrow (SusFreight)
Start date: Aug 31, 2013, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Alps are a unique region at the heart of Europe, to be protected and remain attractive for its inhabitants. However, they are also a major natural bottleneck, increasingly challenging the dynamic economies in the region and their transport demand. The ever-growing transport across the Alps, in particular freight transport, has over decades led to an environmentally and also economically threatening situation. Projects, initiatives and policies are concerned with this challenge, such as projects in the Alpine Space and also in Central Europe, policies of the Alpine Convention or the Zurich Process.In particular as regards combined freight transport, SusFreight will monitor promising results from former projects and condense them. It will align them with ongoing regional, national, transnational and European policies, respect the overall institutional and policy frameworks and provide recommendations for future policy and action in the field of freight transport. Achievements: In order to present the future tasks to be addressed in Alpine freight transport, a matrix has been set up which compares project outputs of previous Alpine Space projects like TRANSITECTS, SoNORa and BATCo with requirements of sustainable freight transport in the Alpine Space. Each criteria within the 9 categories will be compared with each project output. The project outputs can match with the criteria or there can be gaps. The analysis will be made regarding gaps between the output and the criteria (no gap, small gap, large gap, not applicable) which show limits of projects and indicate where future measures towards sustainable freight transport may be necessary. The analysis of the gaps identifies shortcomings and failings of project outputs, concrete recommendations for politicians, decision makers and the future ASP will be developed.

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  • 76%   393 640,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants