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Supporting the Transition from Education to Employment of youth at Risk
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The role of youth work and non-formal and informal learning to counteracting the effects of youth unemployment and NEETs has been emphasized in numerous EU policy documents. In addition there is evidence that youth work can help in unlocking the potential of young people and develop their life management and social skills thus aiding their integration into the labour market.In this context, the STEER project’s aim is to design, develop, deliver and test a comprehensive training programme for youth workers in order to facilitate the transition from education to employment among young people experiencing unemployment and NEETs. More specifically STEER will involve the following actions and results:• The design and development of a youth workers’ training programme that will include modules such as: transition planning, psychological mentoring, developing life management and social skills, developing soft and transferable skills and provision of career guidance and counselling among others.• Developing an innovative open source e-training platform and e-portal as well as digital learning content and guides• Delivering a series of train the trainers seminars through blended learning, in each participant country, to at least 180 youth workers.• Testing the effectiveness of the STEER training programme in pilot actions that will involve the trained youth workers providing transition support to at least 900 NEETs and young unemployed within a four months span.STEER’s innovative training framework will lead to Youthpass certification and professionalise youth workers in a domain in which mostly PES and private HR companies are active. Consequently it will create and strengthen potential synergies with such actors and boost the overall impact of youth work in decreasing youth unemployment and reintegrating NEETs in the society.STEER will follow a waterfall methodology which makes planning and designing clear and therefore progress is more easily measured. Needs analysis and current situation investigation will be followed by the design and development of the training modules, assessment and Youthpass certification. At the same time, the STEER e-training platform and e-portal will be designed and integrated. Overall, STEER will have the following impact:• Develop a comprehensive training programme for youth workers to support the transition from education to employment of NEETs and young unemployed.• Expand the concept and usability of transition planning within the framework of youth work, in partner countries where it is less widely used.• Promote the employability of NEETs and young unemployed, notably through activities that foster the development of competences and skills through non formal learning• Contribute to the employment-related public or private actors (like public employment services and other youth guarantee implementing actors) in regaining the trust of youth.
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