Supporting Proactive Youngsters for a better socie..
Supporting Proactive Youngsters for a better society!
Start date: Mar 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2015
Seminar took place in Napoli, Italy and brought together 30 participants from 10 countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Austria, Poland. The Modavi Federazione Provinciale di Napoli's staff coordinated a 7- days seminar. The team provided all the necessary activities such as preparation of workshop rooms, organizing free time activities and outdoor activities, organizing transport, contacting with the hotel etc., during the realization phase. For the organization of the activities there was a team of 2 local trainers and 1 international trainer.
Social Participation is a key indicator of the overall "health" and vibrancy of a community. Research has consistently shown that people from lower socio economic communities are less likely to be happy with the area they live in, are less likely to volunteer their time, and generally become less involved in community activities.
Some of the barriers for participation may come from experiencing the biases of others or being discriminated against. This can lead people to the sense not being welcome or accepted. Some of the barriers may be discrimination against people because of differences including : social behaviors; gender; age, cultural and language backgrounds and customs; sexual orientation; employment status; religion; health and mental health conditions; physical impairments; levels of educational attainment and financial resources.
The main aim of the course had been to empower the role of youth associations in the involvement of such disadvantaged youth in the social life, making them active participants in their civil society. The idea is to be able to create a "Circle of Inclusion"; through active participation, making these youngsters become the agents that can support other youth facing exclusion.
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