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Supporting people affected by cancer in their social and professional life
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Cancer is a disease that induces a very strong stress because it is perceived as a death sentence. Although discovered cures for this disease, the perception remained at the society level. The cancer has become the second cause of mortality in 2013, behind cardiovascular diseases. Less focus is put on the effects of cancer on living conditions in general and on work in particular. Staying in work is essential for most people of working age for maintaining a decent standard living, sustain social acquaintances and self-esteem and feeling useful as an individual. Although the incidence of cancer is one big social level still remain nuanced forms of stigmatization, which vary in intensity. In many cases this disease experience involves a redefinition of relationships with others and a sudden reconfirmation of the circle of friends, some of them adopting a defensive attitude limitation or avoidance of people diagnosed with cancer. People diagnosed with cancer feel the need to communicate and interact with those in similar situations, sensitivity and responsiveness to their life stories and experiences of having a dual dimension: informational and therapeutic. Efficient communication and provision of information to cancer patients and their families about their illness, treatment choices, and potential outcomes improve psychosocial outcomes. It is known that the mental state of a person diagnosed contribute substantially to improving his health or can worsening the disease.In recent years, technological and organizational innovations, determined a very wide use of the Internet, mobile devices,2.0 Web tools that increase the access to knowledge and training for individuals, from formal courses to informal ad hoc learning. The SPAC project -Supporting people affected by cancer in their social and professional life- aims to increase the social and professional integration of people with cancer, to reduce their and their families' distress by empowering persons involved with people with cancer (caregivers, psychologists, medical staff, social workers, voluntaries, employers) with professional information about cancer and the impact of living and working with cancer by using ICT tool and social networking. The project will create a positive and stimulating environment to improve the coping process of persons with cancer and improve their chances to reenter social and professional life. A network of “circles of trust” will be created to reduce social and emotional isolation of the persons diagnosed with cancer. The target groups are: people with cancer and people in contact with people with cancer (caregivers, psychologists, medical staff, social worker, voluntaries and employers) over age 15. The Partnership consists of 6 organisations: 3 NGO- Institutul Postliceal Phoenix( RO)- partner coordinator, APSCO-Asociatia pentru Servicii si Comunicare in Oncologie(RO), Fondatione ANT Italia Onulus( IT); 1 vocational education centre- Rize Anadolu Saglik Meslek Lisesi( TR); 1 university- UMF Cluj-Napoca (RO); 1 SMEs- Institut INPRO a.s,(CZ). They have been selected in accordance with their expertise in the major thematic areas of the project and experience in similar transnational projects. All of them have vested interest in project topics with view to reach target groups/final beneficiaries. The main activities of the project are: 1. Designing the project website and the project identity; 2. Designing the learning platform; 3. Research about Learning trough Social Networks in partner countries; 4. Designing Interactive learning& training materials; 5. Adaptation of the Interactive Learning and training materials to the country context regarding the right examples, images and technical terminology used on the field of lifelong learning;6. Recognition of non-formal and informal skills acquired on social networks; 7. Creation if "circles of trust" and the EU network ; 8. Conferences on project outputs for dissemination purposes in partner countries; During the development of the project, 5 transnational project meetings will be held. The approach consists of the following stages: realize a analyze for the real situation regarding the use of social media for learning in partner countries; offering professional information about cancer and the impact of living and working with cancer by using ICT tool and social networking; design a model for the social integration of the target group at EU level, the network of "circle of trust" .The main expected outcomes are: A report about Learning trough Social networks in partner countries; Interactive learning &training materials about Living and working with cancer adapted to the partner counties; a report about the Recognition of non-format and informal skills acquired on social networks; An EU network of “circles of trust” for people with cancer and caregivers; a learning platform.
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5 Partners Participants