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Supporting Employment for those Disadvantaged in the Labour Market through Formal, Informal and Non-formal Training and Education

The project will develop a standard online EU Diploma and Certificate for teachers and trainers of physically and mentally disabled persons and persons with learning disabilities. The project aims to improve the training and employment opportunities both for trainers of physically/mentally disabled persons for disabled persons themselves. Development of a standardised qualification will provide trainers with new skills in vocational training, and disabled persons with access to improved teaching/training. Through online, learner-centred methods, the project will introduce new training methods and tools and examples of 'best practice'. The focus will be structured informal and non-formal training activities for physically/mentally disabled persons, through the introduction of improved and standardised training, able to be implemented as part of a specific Diploma/Certificate for trainers. Project results, based upon the application of online training methods, will be disseminated across the member countries of the EU Union of Supported Employment (EUSE). The EUSE website, along with publications and workshops, will support an active dissemination of the project results.
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6 Partners Participants