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Super-resolution mass spectrometry for health and sustainability (SRMS4HESUS)
Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Health and sustainability are the grand-challenges the world faces in the XXI century. The recent progress in science and technology allows now considering these prioritized directions of humanity development at the molecular level. Mass spectrometry is a key analytical technique in receiving the required molecular information from minute amounts of samples present in the gas, solid or liquid phase. The current state-of-the-art in MS applications confirms that investing into basic chemical and physical research is as essential as ever to come prepared for the growing applications challenges and overall for the Europe’s long-term competitiveness and well-being.Within the current proposal, we suggest an interdisciplinary research program to address the challenges in health and sustainability through the scientifical and technological developments in the analytical science. The current project specifically aims at developing the super-resolution mass spectrometry to achieve high resolving power in a short acquisition time period or ultra high resolving power in a long acquisition time period. The former one is crucial for a number of applications in life science and environmental science-oriented proteomics, petroleomics, metabolomics, and imaging. Whereas the latter one would contribute to the long term vision originating from the project’s objectives, specifically molecular isomer differentiation or weighing the chemical bonds in a molecule directly by mass spectrometry.The fundamental insights and knowledge gained during the proposed research can have a deep impact in physical, (bio)chemical and life sciences. The envisioned scientific achievements in the health and sustainability applications may translate into the improved drug discovery, early diagnosis and prognosis for preventive and personalized medicine. The planet and humanity should further benefit from an increase in the sustainability of the energy production and processing."

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