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SUP vaikai - aktyvus integracijos siekimas (SEND - Actively Seeking Inclusion)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context of the project: the project “SEND – actively seeking inclusion” addresses the needs identified in strategic plan of “Rokutis” pre-school. The school team set three priorities for the following year: inclusion of SEND children, development of ICT skills and education quality improvement through outdoor pedagogy. Objectives of the project - to provide school staff with valuable professional development, to improve education by integrating the skills acquired during the mobilities and extend European collaboration in order to modernize the school curriculum. Project partners are three educational institutions, working within similar social contexts. Each institution has relevant experience and are valuable partners. Bulgarian pre-school Arabella has developed an inclusive approach to SEND children and pedagogical innovations in the outdoor learning. Spanish CEIP San José Artesano school follows an integrated content and language training (CLIL) supporting the needs of SEND children. French Grand Camp 1 Les Abymes school teachers have extensive experience in the application of ICT for SEND children. Mobilities will involve seven members of staff from "Rokutis” pre-school who specialize in different areas: inclusion of SEND children, outdoor pedagogy, curriculum development. Main activities: job shadowing in Bulgarian and Spanish pre-school classes, a course in Sweden “Outdoor Education - Taking Learning Outdoors " and a teaching assignment in SEND class in France. Methodology of the project corresponds to its aims - all phases of the project are planned in a way for each participant to gain the best practice and apply it in their work. This inevitably brings positive changes in “Rokutis” pre-school: inclusive curriculum, outdoor pedagogy and ICT skills. Preparation stage emphasizes participants’ international cooperation and development of ICT skills, during the main activities participants will focus on targeted competencies, knowledge and skills. The final stage will help participants to reflect on skills gained and to implement them into their daily work. They will also engage in dissemination of good practice. Project management is focused on quality and clear procedures: an unbiased selection of participants by the commettee, the clear selection criteria, learning contracts and cooperation agreements with partners, eTwinning tools for the smooth execution of the project, monitoring tools and principles, clear deadlines. This will help to ensure the quality of the project in order to achieve the set goals. Expected results: participants will acquire and improve not only their general educational competencies, but also absorb a variety of inclusive educational practices involving SEND children in educational processes. They will develop their ICT skills and gain a broader understanding of European educational systems and inclusive curriculum. They will obtain the knowledge and ability to plan and carry out outdoor pedagogy, improve their communication and collaboration with international partners, as well as their foreign language skills. The long-term impacts and benefits: the knowledge gained by seven participants will have a significant impact on “Rokutis” pre-school. Application of new teaching methods, change of learning environment, development of inclusive education curriculum will significantly improve the quality of educationon at “Rokutis” pre-school. We hope that all members of staff will become more open to change with the focus on active involment while learning and creating new environment, the school staff will willingly accept international projects and modernisation of the curriculum as well as disseminate their good practise at the local, regional and national level.

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3 Partners Participants