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Sukces i nowoczesność w kształceniu zawodowym
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Two groups of students from grades II and III learning in catering (16 students) and photography (12 students) took part in the project 'Success and modernity in vocational education' implemented by Zespół Szkół Usługowo-Hotelarskich i Gastronomicznych in Przemyśl. This was their first time on training abroad. The main aims of three-week mobilities in Youghal in Ireland were to gain work experience, improve qualifications especially in the field of modern technologies and working techniques, increasing mobility and chances of getting and maintaining a job in difficult local, national and European markets. Moreover, students were to improve their knowledge of English, including vocational language and make new, international contacts. Participants had training in local companies which was confirmed by certificates, references from employers and Mobility Pass. Our Partner institution has had a lot of achievements and experience in international cooperation in the field of vocational training. Students were accommodated with Irish families which enriched their experience even more. As part of the dissemination process students present the skills that they gained during the Official Summary of the Project, School Open Day in the school and a photography exhibition. There was also a mini-guide for people going to Ireland presenting basic information about this country and its work culture prepared.
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1 Partners Participants