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Successfull Help for Inclusion by Valorized Actions for Adults in the field of environment
Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

Reasons:Professions in the field of the environment (water, waste, recycling, energy efficiency, alternative transportation, maintenance, management of natural areas) are vectors for integration and qualification for unemployed people, even with low qualifications. (Unemployed, 45 years and +, people with no or low qualifications, women, disabled people,…)Innovative activities which were carried out in Europe (guidance, training, ”sites for inclusion” ...)are often ignored and under valued. The lack of diffusion and capitalization leads to an important loss of social, economic and environmental efficiency. Responsible of job agencies, actors for training and guidance have most a lack of knowledge concerning theses new carriers. Impact:Reinforce the competences for the different target groups.Creation of a Chain of Inclusion, integrating actors as: Employment agencies, social workers, teachers, trainers,… enterprises with the aim to facilitate the competitiveness, the chance to integrate for unemployed people and fight against all kind of discrimination.Promoting of innovative actions and transfer this new knowledge to all professionals involved in the chain of inclusion. Products and outcomes: Study of 12 to 16 European innovations. Analysis of the brakes, levers, needs, good practice guidance, training and employability. Setting up of an experimental platform for orientation, qualification and integration for the target group. Production of tools for vocational guidance, employment reference / skills / training and a guide of good practices and teaching methods (CQP, VAE)Experimental training:PrescriptorsTrainers, teachers, companiesUnemployed people wishing to reinforce their qualifications and integrate a jobDissemination of results and products:System of references, competences, training concerning the 6/8 chosen professionsTools for professional guidanceHandbook for teachers and trainersWeb site/ Web 2.0WorkshopsConferences

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