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Successful communication - the future of Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Successful communication - the Future of Europe" is aimed at recognizing different aspects of communication. In this project language and other ways of communicating do not serve merely as a tool to develop basic and transversal skills of its participants, but also as a goal to achieve. We are going to concentrate on quality and efficiency of exchanging information as well as restoring the meaning of face to face contacts . All schools participating in this project have the opportunity to observe the eagerness of young people to use modern technology. We would like to apply this interest to the increase of students’ knowledge and transversal skills. On the other hand, we intend to provide them with the basic knowledge of the history of communication. Encouraging them to work on less popular and sometimes forgotten forms of communication we would like to prove that tasks such as writing letters or postcards can also be great fun. Moreover, such activities can complement their abilities and help them to achieve success in education and their future lives in general. Through the scheduled workshops and other activities we plan to raise the students’ competence by making them aware of the importance of body language and face to face contacs which are crucial in successful communication. Another significant aspect of the project is bridging the generation gap and improving the relationships among peers, parents and teachers. The planned mobilities will raise the awareness of participants in terms of cultural background of their friends from the partners’ countries. The activities will enable the intercultural dialogue what will make the cooperation easier and motivate students to learn foreign languages. The mobilities will allow a mutual exchange of diverse experiences and good practices what will affect the attractiveness and effectiveness of teaching methods applied in each partner school. The project will give a chance to establish personal and professional contacts which should result in the further international cooperation.

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