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Study Visit in Adult Learning
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Maltepe Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi is the sending organisation where as Shadows Professional Development Ltd(In association with Richard Language College) is the course provider partner of this KA1 project for adult education staff mobility. As a result of needs analysis of the sending school there appeared a deficiency of linguistic teaching methods (special for adult education). The solution was more being involved in Erasmus Plus KA1 and KA2 projects under the umbrella of adult education. This course,produced as a result of a pilot course arranged by the British Council Prague, the Educational Institute of Central Bohemia(VISK), Jazyky v zahraničí s.r.o. and Shadows Professional Development Ltd., was discovered. This project supports a well-programmed study visit ( 3 days) as an opportunity to get a better view and a broader understanding of processes within the European Union. The programme is designed to provide a collaborative and stimulating environment for learning, offering an overall view, which, by showing contrasts, reflects European policies, whilst strengthening the capacity of our administrative staff to perform effectively. The study visit is aimed at Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, School Management and Senior Teaching Staff as well as European Programme Coordinators or members of staff involved in Erasmus+ activities working under the umbrella of adult education. Three approciate partners will be chosen according to the criteria meeting the requirements of the study visit. These 3 participants will be expected to introduce Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) into the school as follows: one could be through Teacher Development, another through Curriculum change, the third one through future E+ training for the staff. This project will increase not only participating staff personal competences, skills and sensitivities, but will impact upon our students' foreign and native linguistic competences and cultural sensitivity to diversity. Richard Language College (RLC) is a specialist adult CLIL training establishment, so school visit will be to RLC. 3-day Study Visit Aims • Enhancement of participants’ skills in English • Raising cultural awareness • Working internationally in a more efficient way • Sharing of Best Practice in school leadership • Effective processes of learning / teaching • Ensuring sustainability through the Erasmus+ programme. Course Programme will be as follows: Day one: 09.15 - 12.35: UK Educational system / Comparative Workshop 13.30 - 16.30: School Visit Preparation Day two 09.15 - 12.35: School Visit (specific for adult education) 13.30 - 16.30: School Visit (specific for adult education) Day three 09.15 - 12.35: Erasmus+ for schools (specific for adult education) 13.30 - 16.30: Erasmus+ for schools (specific for adult education) Education Systems and School Leadership will cover UK Educational System (especially for adults) and School Leadership & Management as Input Session. School Visit will include: 1)CLIL Specialist Training - Familiarisation with the school and its place within the UK Education system - Guided Visit of the school - School’s CLIL curriculum - management of the teaching and learning processes - Participant Teachers results & successes - Class observations - Informal discussion with teachers 2)Erasmus+ for Schools Full briefing on opportunities for schools to initiate and sustain international collaboration 3)KA1 & KA2 Applications for Schools - Erasmus+ Priorities - KA1 European Development Plan - Partners’/Participants’ Profiles and Selection - Learning Outcomes - Pre-Course,Intra-Course & Post-Course Project Management - Follow-up and Impact - Evaluation - Dissemination and Exploitation - Budgets. Training/Activities will vary according to the Development Plan and the participants' training needs, but will come from this list: Intensive Language learning, Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Language & Methodology, Language and Culture, Bi-Component Courses including school attachment, three-Day Study visit for senior school leaders and European Programme Coordinators or staff involved in Erasmus+ activities, English for Business. Project's evaluation team will evaluate how successful the Plan and the Project was, showing not only the aspects that went well, but detailing problems and obstacles encountered and how they were overcome. Finally, the impact of the project on our staff, students and the school as a whole wil bel evaluated . This will include Quality Indicators such as how participants have improved their speaking ability and what new methodology teachers have learnt, measured in part via the Course Providers‘ test/report /assessment completed at the end of the course. It is also expected to be able to create an innovative KA2 project for adult education thanks to not only the experience gained at the end of the study visit but also the new collegues met and cooperated during the course.
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