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Studenti IT oborů za zkušenostmi v Portugalsku
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Professional traineeship in the Portuguese Republic was planned for the students of information technology. All IT students can choose from two specializations. The first of them is Computer Graphics and Multimedia, which also includes graphic and web design, the preprint preparation and use of multimedia. A Network Specialist is the second offered specialization. The study is focused on the creation, management and computer Networks maintenance. The studies of both specialties also include area of hardware and software, computer programming and computer systems. The plan was to make two two-week training stays, each for 12 students. The lenght of the stay was in conformity with our school education programme and the range of professional practice in the 3rd year of study. Each group of students was accompanied by a teacher. The traineeships were held in spring 2016 in the town of Braga. There was provided the matching offer of companies and related services suitable for the implementation of traineeships. Our students participated in professional traineeship in Portuguese firms focused on IT technologies. The Portuguese firms provided training programmes in high quality. They also offered first-rate technologies, enough capacity for our students, sophisticated organization of work, various control methods work and the firm structure. The aim of the traineeship was to gain new professional skills, knowledge and competencies as well as gaining work experience and information about possible further employment in the EU. Work experience in companies with high quality technology increased our students´ future employability in the labor market in the European Union. The access to the methods, practices and technologies used in the Portuguese Republic right at the workplace was beneficial not only for our students but for the whole region through the mediation of gained materials and its publication. The language of communication was negotiated with our contractual partner. It was English language. In their free time, students also had the opportunity to improve their England language. They could also become familiar with the facts of the Portuguese Republic.
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