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Student Compentence Assignment Learning Abroad X
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of our project: The flows are based on several years of experience with the SCALA I - IX programs. This is SCALA X and based on the former mobility programs and the extended Certificate of Mobility NL/09/LLP-LdV/MC/Z003, we have based the calculation of the budget on former years of experience of sending out students and teachers. We train all students in groups on all locations and on individual basis. Teachers are informed on individual basis. They are all prepared with Cultural and Pedagogical Training and well guided before and after their experience abroad. Even the mentor has a role during their stay abroad, the mentor is responsible for the student for specific vocational or general questions. Objectives of our project: To gain international experience, experience a different culture abroad, experience another language and to compare how companies operate compared to The Netherlands. Number and profile of participants: 190 students and 25 teachers. Description of activities: Animal care, Equine care and sports, Vet nursing, Dairy science and husbandry, Experience Agricultural Mighty Machines, Floristry science, Greenery, Fauna and Flora, etc... Methodology to be used in carrying out the project: To get and gain experience in their field of expertise to get suitable guidance and traineeship. Description of the results and impact envisaged: Students come back more self assured, open minded, more competent in their field of expertise, better in the foreign language. Potential longer term benefits: Confidence, Appreciation of another culture and language. And often encouraged to follow further education (Degree).

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