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Strengthening Training Opportunities for inteRnational Youth
Start date: Oct 1, 2013,

A major challenge of today’s graduates is the unsustainably high youth unemployment rate in many EU countries. Working experience obtained via trainings, internships and apprenticeships is a key solution to overcome the skills mismatch on the European labour market. In particular intra-European training mobility programmes are a highly effective tool to address both the skills mismatch and the high youth unemployment rate. Existing challenges of training mobility programmes include the lack of information and research on obstacles such as recognition by HEIs for placements in the curriculum, quality problems and expectations and experience of the different actors that have not been sufficiently explored. Second, despite the apparent benefits, training mobility programmes are still not very well known by relevant actors. Information about Erasmus placements is still difficult to find. Third, while different platforms for offering and finding trainings abroad exist, there is no integrated platform that brings together the interest of students, training providers and EU institutions in a user friendly approach. Using training mobility programmes can be very complex and requires a lot of specific information. Matching supply and demand poses an additional challenge. The project will address the aforementioned three key challenges of training mobility. First, a thorough investigation on the obstacles will allow producing tangible recommendations for all actors. A research report and guidebook for insight and advice will be provided. Second, project activities will raise awareness and provide information by promoting training mobility. Third, accessibility will be provided through a platform matching companies and institutions offering training mobility opportunities with young Europeans seeking a training abroad. This project will contribute to the development of a pool of well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young people as future professionals.
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