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Strengthening the Competitiveness of the Alps as a Sustainable Health and Wellness Competence Destination (ALPSHEALTHCOMP)
Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Feb 27, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The supply of health services to an ageing European population will be a more and more important need. The Alpine Space has a long tradition in the field of health service based tourism. By the enlargement of the European Union especially in the field of health services based tourism the competition will change dramatically: Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary enter into the market with low prices because of low wages. As many destinations depend on a prosperous health services based tourism the projects focus lays in the field of strengthening the competitiveness by:- defining, developing and managing a alpine quality standard of health and wellness services - strengthening the regional and transnational cooperation of players- developing and adapting offers to the market trends - making use of the typical alpine resources in a sustainable way- informing and consulting the publicity about the competences and services- introducing a job fair and standardized education and training in the field of health services
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  • 50%   485 825,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants