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Strengthening business performance management in economic networks

Economic networks, like cluster or cluster initiatives play crucial role in economic reality (The initial observations of the European Cluster Observatory). It can be assumed that roughly 38% of all European employees work in enterprises that are part of the cluster sector [Innovation Clusters in Europe…, EC, 2007]. Next observations suggest a positive correlation between the strength of regional portfolios (human resources, patent applications, employment in medium - and high-tech manufacturing) and regional innovation performance. The existing economic networks in Poland and Lithuania have several problems with performance management as well as business animation. They have to be equipped with tools and analytical process that enable to achieve preselected goals. The objectives of the project were: • To assess the actual competence of the selected trainers in business performance management• To train 20 trainers on managing and animation the business networks• To develop 20 Plans of business performance management• To develop 1 managerial "tool kit"• To amend the 20 Plans according to the feedback after the pilot testing implementation phase• To develop the textbook and an article on business performance management in European networks• Disseminate results of the project in 2 international conferences.Target groups of the project were: direct - managers and facilitators dealing with business performance management in economic networks. Indirect target group were entrepreneurs.The beneficiaries were: enterprises, companies, trainers, educators, managers, society.Partners by their professional experience represented: Navigator Consulting Partners, UK – field strategic management consulting, as well as representative of the enterprises for contributing to the development and piloting Plans, Human Capital Research and Development Institute involved in development and implementation of different training programmes for adults for their professional development, Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts for bridging consultants and business in Poland and Lithuania. Partners have professional trainer training, management education, as well as dissemination experience and are proficient in project management. The project results are: 20 trained trainers, 20 Plans and "1 tool kit" of performance management and business animation, textbook on management in European networks, one article, as well as 2 international conferences. The project duration was 24 month.
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4 Partners Participants