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Stratēģiskā partnerība angļu valodas mācību līdzekļa izstrādē robežsargiem (Strategic partnership for the development of English language training tool for border guards)
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation No 562/2006 Article 15 Member States shall encourage border guards to learn languages, in particular those necessary for carrying-out their tasks. In the context of this regulation the border guards (border police officers), who work at road border crossing points on the EU's external borders have no published and available training tools to learn and develop specialized English and Russian language terminology skills. To improve the situation in this partnership project it is planned to develop an interactive learning tool for the acquisition and development of specialized English and Russian terminology for border guards in order to ensure efficient EU external borders’ security within better communication with border crossing persons. E- learning tool shall include border security related terminology - the terms and phrases in English and Russian with respective translations into partner’s national languages, audio tracks for proper pronunciation in English and Russian languages, authentic audio and video recordings, which will be filmed at the crossing points of direct relevance to the daily issues while communicating with border crossing persons. While using this tool border guards will be able to do electronic training and assessment tasks, receive immediate feedback to adjust the learning pathways and to determine their level of knowledge of foreign languages. In order to standardize the use a common terminology within the project a joint dictionary of border related terminology shall be developed. Training topics included in the tool shall not only contribute to the learning of foreign languages, but within the context of specific topics, such as " Vehicle examination ", " Visas", "Interviewing ", and other topics closely related with the EU's external borders control shall eventually facilitate cooperation with foreign partners in detection and prevention of trafficking in human beings, illegal migration, smuggling, stolen vehicles’ detection, issues with refugees and asylum seekers. The project involves participation of 12 leading experts from border guards’ educational institutions in partner countries with vast experience in teaching foreign languages, development of modern electronic training tools and experience in planning and implementation of international projects. The project will also involve highly experienced border guards with experience in border checks at road border crossing points. In order to successfully implement the project and develop the training tool six international meetings with the intention to coordinate and work out the components of the tool are going to be implemented. The development of training tool shall include the following steps: 1. To define the content of the tool according to national, EU and international practice, legislation and training needs; 2. To develop technical platform, modular design and integration of information; 3. To identify, analyze, sort and edit specialized English and Russian terminology, record pronunciation in English and Russian; 4. To develop and record audio and video scenarios; 5. To develop topic assessment exercises; 6. To develop user guidelines and summaries for topics; 7. To develop specialized dictionary. The outputs of the project will be disseminated by implementation of, seminars, roadshows at border guards’ workplaces, training of trainers at the national and international levels. Information on the tool will be distributed to other EU border guard (border police) educational institutions with which the project countries have long-term cooperation hence providing them with the Internet link or DVD. Information shall be forwarder to FRONTEX Agency Training unit, thus ensuring the dissemination of the results in the EU scale. Information about the availability of the training tool will be posted on the websites of the participating countries. Education institutions will be able to use this tool to develop border guards’ (border police),specialized English and Russian terminology, to assess their knowledge e.g. before deployment to international missions, as well as to develop e-learning courses on the basis of the tool.

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