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Strategic Partnership in Adult Migrant Education: Perspectives from Mediterranean, Baltic Sea Regions
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Last two decades mark a period of intense international migration in Europe, which brought forth various challenges for national and international state policies and called for societies to deal with intercultural coexistence. At the same time as the western European countries began to critically evaluate their immigration and migrant integration policies, the ‘new’ EU member states confronted the challenges of creating migration regulations and strategies for migrant integration, where access to education is considered as one of migrants’ basic needs. From previous researches and studies project coordinator had identified main gaps both in migration / migrant integration and education fields. In migration researches were there no significant findings regarding adult migrant education and specially methods or methodology. And vice versa, in the education studies there was a lack of migrants’ identification as a target group. It was expected that MEDBALT project will complement the lack of knowledge regarding adult migrant education and will introduce cross-cutting approach merging migration and education fields. An aim of the project Strategic Partnership in Adult Migrant Education: Perspectives from Mediterranean and Baltic Sea Regions (MEDBALT) was to develop an Adult Migrant Education Methodology based on good practices implemented in each participating country. Objectives of the MEDBALT project: • to develop a case studies on adult migrant education programmes and migrant integration policies of each participating country; • to develop Recommendations for implementation of adult migrant integration programmes • to organize Final Conference and present results of the project. The consortium consisted of 6 partners from 6 European countries, covering a wide range of expertise and experience related to the scope and the aims of the MEDBALT, having as well a Pan-European outreach in their activities. Partners came from a variety of geographical (Baltic and Mediterranean regions), educational, migration and professional backgrounds, and this ensured the successful implementation of cross-cutting and interdisciplinary project. Project coordinator: Diversity Development Group (Lithuania); Partner organisations: Uninersidad de Salamanca (Spain), Tamat Centro Studi Formazione e Ricerca (Italy), Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD (Cyprus), Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali (Malta), Fundacja Osrodek Badan nad Migracjami (Poland). Main activities organized by the project: • Project management and implementation • Development of Intellectual Outputs (IO1: Analysis of adult migrant education programmes and migrant integration policies, IO2: Adult Migrant Education Methodology; IO3: Recommendations for implementation of adult migrant integration programmes) • Dissemination activities • Quality Assurance and Evaluation activities In order to secure exploitation and sustainability of the project outcomes during and after the life-cycle of the project, dissemination targeted relevant stakeholders and exploitation strategy was set. The sustainability of the project was guaranteed by the fact that the stakeholders will continue to use MEDBALT products for subsequent years for adult migrant education across different settings. The project followed a linear, rather than a cyclical route, as findings and conclusions from previous Outputs were used to develop the further output. The first step included a Case Studies synthesis of research findings in order to arrive at a general approach and philosophy, provide good practices and comparability of participating countries in education and integration fields. Second step included stakeholders and presented external evaluation model applied to the development of Adult Migrant Education Methodology. Some parts of this output were based on findings from case studies. Final findings and conclusions from first two Intellectual Outputs were used to develop third output and provided regional and European perspective. Direct target groups of the project are education institutions and organizations working with migrants (providing services) in the participating countries (national level) and EU (European level). Indirect project target group covers adult migrants who will be benefited indirectly, i.e. adult migrants will receive better service in the education field. Relevant stakeholders: National and European academic community (especially those specializing in applied research on migration, education and integration); Regional and national NGOs (especially those specializing in education and migration activities and social integration of migrants); Institutions’ managers, policy makers and educational authorities, public institutions at the local and national level. MEDBALT made all developed outputs available to the public, in digital form freely accessible through the Internet under open licenses.
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5 Partners Participants