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Story of my heart
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Story of my heart is a transnational filmmaking project between creative, young filmmakers in Iceland and Lithuania.The objective of the project is the production of the short film Story of My Heart by Jasmin Rexhepi, a young, Icelandic Kosovo Albanian that came to Iceland as a political refugee himself. The film tells the story of a young mother who is forced to flee pregnant to northern Iceland, where she gives birth to her son, Jazz. Through intense visuals and sound, the film tells the story of their struggles and life as Jazz grows older and is diagnosed with a deadly decease. The film brings an important message with the refugee problems we face in the world today.On the other hand the projects objective is to document the process of the filmmaking and the collaboration of the two countries and their young filmmakers - a collaboration that was established with a filmmaking seminar for young filmmakers, Scanorama Shortcut in Iceland and Lithuania in 2015. The group in Iceland and Lithuania will aim to make the film as professionally as our knowledge goes and our diverse background and passion for filmmaking, and with network already starting to establish we are confident about taking on the project and execute it on transnational ground as it fits best and will serve it's educational purpose best that way with wider reach. In the project young adults will be given the opportunity to work on their filmmaking skills and honing their talent, which they might otherwise find difficult since it is always hard to get funding for a starting projects. We hope that the co-operation between the countries will be beneficial to both partners. Each company brings different people with different set of skills to the table who can then learn from each other. We also hope that this partnership will lead to a continuing collaboration on a larger project in the future.One of the emphasis of the project is gender equality and there will be put effort into keeping gender ratio as close to 50 / 50 as possible. The two groups will be lead by the film production companies New Age Icelandic Films, who will provide main support and management of the project, and Lithuanian VsI Sviestas, who will provide minor support and management and also technical supervision in post-production. Both companies with recorded filmmaking successes as well as being run by young, talented and aspiring filmmakers. This is an Icelandic-Lithuanian co-production where the script is written in Iceland, pre-production is handled jointly by both participant companies, the film will be shot on location in Northern Iceland over a period of one week with Kosovar and Icelandic actors and a mix of Icelandic and Lithuanian crew and post-production will be done to a large extent in Lithuania. The participans list :Ásþór Aron Þorgrímsson, Iceland, Producer, - Representative for the Icelandic groupUnnsteinn Garðarsson, Iceland, Line Producer, - Contact personBirnir Jón Sigurðsson, Iceland, Camera department and photographyÍris Stefanía Skúladóttir, Iceland, directorJasmin Rexhepi, Iceland / Kosovo, scriptwriter / production departmentAnna Sæunn Ólafsdóttir, Iceland, Production departmentÓskar Kristinn Vignisson, Iceland, Production of documentaryRuta Buciunaite, Lithuania, Producer - Representative of the Lithuanian groupMarija Fridinovaite, Lithuania, Production department - Contact personMikas Žukauskas, Lithuania, director of documentary (No attached CV but info on this link: )Marius Pocevičius, Lithuania, assistant directorLina Simutytė, Lithuania, assistant scriptwriter and scriptwriter of documentary, productionŽivilė Zablackaitė, Lithuania, project manager

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