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StimUlate finanCial eduCation to foster EntrEpreneurship and Development
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Investors, entrepreneurs and consumers live in a world where complexity rises every day. Financial complexity in particular has often threatened the lives of enterprises and individuals in Europe hampering the capacity of otherwise rational actors to take wise decision in difficult times of economic crisis. The SUCCEED project aims firstly at empowering teachers and trainers with innovative tools to spread financial competences and entrepreneurial skillsets to a larger audience, trying to be as versatile as possible thus promoting replicability in different conditions.The project consortium is composed of 8 partners, thoroughly selected between Education/Training institutions (CCIL, FUNIBER, SATEAN), operators and consultancies in the field of financial institutions (CBE, CONFORM) Network of enterprises/Incubators (RES,TheHive) and experts in ICT applications in the field of training (BICERO). Also the partnership has been selected to broadly represent all geographical areas of the European Union, ensuring a profitable cross fertilization and a more effective dissemination and exploitation of project results. Project activities will be divided into workpackages as follows:• WP1 – Project Managemento Task 1.1 Administration and Finance managemento Task 1.2 Decision making and conflict resolution procedureso Task 1.3 Quality Assurance Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation • WP2 – Entrepreneurial and Financial Training Need Analysiso Task 2.1 Training methodology schemes definition o Task 2.2 Selection of best practices and innovative training schemes• WP3 – SUCCEED Training Modules definitiono Task 3.1 Development of training materials and training kit• WP4 – SUCCEED ICT Toolso Task 4.1 MOOCs Creation for the FELIPE platformo Task 4.2 Creation of FELIPE: Financial e-Learning Platform for entrepreneurship. The project will design and upload a digital platform following the Personal Learning Environment Framework (PLEF). • WP5 – SUCCEED Pilot Training modules. The project will test results and deliverable during two five days pilot courses in English.• WP6 – Communication and Dissemination of SUCCEED.• WP7 – Sustainability and Exploitation of SUCCEED results.The project will follow a very precise methodology based on division of work based on each partner experiences and resources. The consortium will then coagulate and cross-fertilize results into objectives and deliverable stated in the workplan. The project will create a stable and permanent platform of MOOCs, educational schemes and examples, training courses and replicable example for students, trainers and practitioners. The FELIPE Platform will use and innovate existing technologies such as ILIAS, MOODLE and Personal Learning Environment Framework giving an high level of reusability not only in different geographical area but also in different cultural contexts, and even in different subjects or fields of technical knowledge. The project will also deliver guidelines on how to design, create and implement an innovative use of MOOCS and how to deal with complex elements of teaching on the topic of financial issues learning/training. The project will base its later outputs on a detailed Training Need Analysis made on a national and transnational level by the consortium and will be collected into a general analysis of EU Training Needs and emerging skills trends. Those analyses will be delivered by the project and could be used in the future as the base of more up to date studies on entrepreneurial and financial skills level in Europe.
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7 Partners Participants