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Step Forward
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For the third time, the Centre “Benefico ADA” participates in an Erasmus + project with the main goal to improve the quality of our Vocational Training Centre, allowing greater opportunities at the labour market for our students.In the project "Step Forward", which will last 12 months, two mobility flows for specific purposes depending on the profile of the participants are planned: On one hand, students in Intermediate Vocational Training and teaching staff of FP Basic, on the other hand Intermediate and Management Team.* Students. This mobility will involve 15 students from Intermediate Vocational Training attending our centre: Electromechanical Vehicle Technician, Microcomputer Systems and Networks and Telecommunications Facilities Technician. Students will have the opportunity to do an internship in 6 companies in Poland that have joined the project, selected by our partner in Poland, Centrum Szkoleniowe Euromind, related to their professional profile to be recognized as part of the training module at Centres of work. The business internships will last for 5 weeks completing an average of 150 hours. This experience in companies at an European level will add to the qualification of our students and will include: improving their levels of professional competence completing their training at our centre, improving employability, increasing their language skills, increasing their level of maturity and personal autonomy, improve their interpersonal skills and ability to work in groups and improve their knowledge of European culture and labour market opportunities in Europe.* Teachers. A group of 10 teachers of Intermediate vocational training, Basic Vocational Training and the Management Team will participate in a training follow-up period in a German training centre, called Vitalis, during one week. The mobility of our teachers will allow them to get to know the Dual System and the systems of school-business communication first hand. Also, they will be able to analyze the possibilities of adapting training to the needs of business, learn about the teaching methods used in Germany and thus increase the use of technology in teaching and generally increase their own competences as teachers.The impact we seek with this project will be reflected in:1. An increased job placement rate of our students2. An increased rate of students continuing their studies in Higher Grade Cycle Training3. Promoting multilingualism4. Improvement in the quality of educational provision5. An improved image of our Centre 6. Creation of synergies with companies and social partners7. Contribution to the objectives of Education and Training Strategic Framework 2020
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