Search for European Projects

Steinbeis EVS 15.03
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Innovation Centre „European Projects“ - a department of the Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH" - coordinates several EVS hosting projects in the border triangle between Germany, Switzerland and France. Whereas the host organisations provide places with learning opportunities and task related support for European Volunteers the coordinating organisation takes over the administrative preparation and implementation of the projects and offers an aedequate intercultural and linguistical learning program.Volunteers get the opportunity to get involved – according to their individual abilities and previous knowledge - with the respective tasks in the hosting organisation and hereby to gain an insight in the mission and functioning of the particular organisation.Through their activities in the projects the volunteers get to know about their personal abilities and competences, furthermore they can act as a part of a team, in which all members are working as an equal.The linguistical and intercultural learning program serves apart from language learning as a weekly meeting point for volunteers from the same regionwhere they can compare notes on their experiences.The integration in a foreign culture and a self-determined daily life in the local community provide volunteers a personal orientation and foster the development of personal future perspectives. Furthermore, continuous meetings with volunteers from various countries give the projects an advanced european dimension.

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