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Staże zagraniczne w branży gastronomiczno-hotelarskiej szansą na sukces, na krajowym i europejskim rynku pracy
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Combining the studies of theoretical subjects in school with learning the profession in practical settings is essential in order to provide high level of professional education. The most important goals of the project are to gain professional experience, and evaluate both the knowledge obtained during studying in school and individual professional competences of working in a foreign firm environment. This will lead to improvement of the already existing, and development of new professional, social and cultural competences, such as: mobility, ability to function in a group and multicultural environment, or language skills, by the future employees of the domestic and other European gastronomy and hospitality markets. The experience from the previously accomplished project shows that the school graduates who participated in the internship had significantly increased chances of finding a job. The project promoted development of entrepreneurship, openness, and self-confidence, so important to inhabitants of rural areas, endangered by social exclusion and exclusion from the labor market. Another objective of the project is to enable the participants to test their language skills, as there are language preparations preceding the project and during the internship. Also, it will be necessary for them to use Spanish language on a daily basis while partaking in the project. Going on the internship and staying away from the place of residence are going to be a relevant preparation for mobility. Readiness for mobility is a very important criterion in seeking employment, both in national and European labor markets. Participation in the project is also an opportunity to expand professional contacts. 20 students at the stage of initial vocational training, from II, III, and IV grade of the Secondary Technical School of Hospitality, Nutrition, Gastronomy and Catering - Zespol Szkol Zawodowych in Pustkow-Osiedle will participate in the project. These students often have to commute long distances in order to get to the school, and have limited access to improving their skills and competences extra-curricular activities, due to living far from major cities and low financial standing. In the district, there is a 12% unemployment rate. The families that the students come from, often are under the care of social services, like MOPS, or GOPS in Debica Town. For this young people, participation in an abroad internship is going to be a way of compensating, equalizing their chances, and gaining life-changing experience. It will give them an educational adventure, one that will engage them intellectually and emotionally, trigger activity and initiative, improve self-confidence, add belief in their own abilities, and lower the risk of social exclusion. It must be added, that our students come from backgrounds characterized by low professional mobility, so they spend most of their time in the area where they come from. The project will help create a conviction in them that the readiness to change the place of residence is an asset in seeking employment. The project is going to take place at modern hotel and gastronomic facilities in Sevilla, Spain. It is being planned for Spring 2017, and is going to last 3 weeks. Preceding the departure for the project, a cultural, pedagogical, and language training is going to take place. Students of the Technical School of Hospitality will expand their professional skills, such as providing customer service to the hotel guests in Spanish and English language, acquaint themselves with modern hotel equipment, and gain knowledge of the hotel reception desk software. Students of the Technical School of Nutrition, Gastronomy and Catering will, among others, learn the secrets of the Spanish cuisine, get familiarized with the principles of operation of the specialized catering and kitchen equipment, gastronomic technology, Spanish professional terminology, individual nutrition and catering technology system, and proper customer services. Each participant of the project will receive an Europass Mobility certificate, confirming their professional qualification and stating the specific skills acquired during the project, along with Spanish language dictionaries and workwear. At the end, as a part of the dissemination of the project results, a conference for the school students, interns, middle school students, teachers, employers, and the local government institution Starostwo Powiatowe authorities, will be organized, to present the achievements of this project. The foreign internship will contribute to the improvement of the quality and attractiveness of vocational education at the Zespol Szkol Zawodowych in Pustkow Osiedle, give European character to the educational process, contribute to increase in school admissions. Finally, experience gained through participation in the program will allow to improve the school internship program in the country.
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