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Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project called „Internships chance for a better future career” aims at introducing modern forms of getting work experience, developing the ability to cooperate between schools, students and work places along with improving language competences. Widely understood technics is the fastest and most resilient branch of human life, which makes schools follow these changes. The project is directed to students of electronics and electrics technical school. Adjusting the curriculum and methods of teaching has to be quick and innovative. If we want the student to have a chance on a job market, vocational schools must be closely correlated and has to meet the need of existing companies in electronic- electric branch of industry both in the given region of the country and abroad, too. For that reason it is necessary to make contacts with companies, institutions and schools in this industry sector. Such actions will enable the students to gain experience, competences required at the job market, equip them with skills of functioning during their career , protect them from social excluding of graduates, directly rise the quality of school work and influence innovativeness of vocational education.The main aim of this project:-gaining neu cnowledge, skills, key competences, needed at the job market both in their country and abroad and work experience in order to find a job quickly after graduation by the studentsDetailed aims:-developing long-term partnership between schools,-enabling the biggest group of students to take foreign internship in firms, companies and institutions,-increasing the atractiveness on local, national and foreign job market,-improving language competences,-popularisation of IT technology and audio-visual aids in running the project,-incorporating modern forms of cooperation between school, students and companies,-increasing the quality of work of the school,-protecting the students from social exclusion,-introduction youth with jouney organization,-directing project members on culture and traditions and habits of the target country,-formating communication and interpersonal skills,-developing skills of coping with stress and dealing with difficult situations,-showing youth different aspects of social and career life and assertive behaviour,-developing language skills in daily life and career situations.The participants of the project:-adult third and fourth grade students of technical school, who account for 5 mobilities,-carer of the trainees,Time and place of project execution:-from September 2015 till the end of May 2016,- in ZS no 9 and Wather-Lemkuhl-Schule, the companies and firms of electronics- electric sector in Neumunster and its surroundingsForms and methods used in the project:-5-person group of students undertaking the training in the school year 2015/16,-active methods preparing for project realization and practical profession learning.We expect that achieving these goals will enable us to prepare the students for mobility on local, regional, national and international job market. Realisation of this project will cause the school and institutions cooperation, which will result in gaining experience and work prospects of our students. It will also improve language skills of the trainees and eliminate communication barriers in job search abroad. Project certification will prove acquired experience which will increase the attractiveness of our graduates in their future vocational education and in job career on local and international markets. All the action will improve our school quality and the effectiveness of vocational teaching.
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