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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Thanks to the Erasmus+Programme people in the course of vocational training can gain field experience abroad and upgrade their communication skills. The time of execution of the project: 01.09.2016r. – 31.08.2017r. The project is adressed to the second- – graders and third graders of the secondary technical school of mechanics. The three- week training in the oversees centre Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses of Trades in Götz, which specializes in vocational training of students, will be an ideal suplement to practical vocational training. It will certainly help the future school –leavers to feel confident and experienced both in the domestic and European market. The aim of the project is to extend reading knowledge which was abtained during school lessons as well as acquiring new skills and competences in the area of mechanics. Moreover, it will encourage students to communicate in German in everyday situations. Through participating in this project, new interpersonal skills connected with independent decision making will hopefully be acquired. The students will be provided with an indispensable tool, assisting them during the decision – making processes shaping their life. This project will form broad – minded people open to the world, people successful in professional life, joining passion an competence at work. Specialists valued both in the regional and European labour market.The students’ trip will be proceded by language courses as well as vocational and pedagogical ones. They will also receive training in the field of culture. During the practical training the trip to Berlin and Potsdam will be organized to the young. Moreover, it will be a great opportunity to gain practical knowledge of German not only on informal everyday occasions but also in situations connected with professional development. After their return the participants will obtain certificates confirming the participation in the foreign training, including Europass Mobility.
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