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Stáže v Německu pro žáky na SPŠ Kutná Hora
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We prepared this project for students of our core programs - electrical engineering and information technologies. Two groups of eighteen students participated in two-week trainings located at WBS Training AG Hamburg. The training topics were Automation and Renewable Energy Resources. We followed time-proven distribution of roles as per the preceding mobility project with the same foreign partner. WBS Training AG provided training program, lectors and support (housing, boarding and free-time activities). We arranged selection of participants and accompanying teachers, and evaluation and dissemination of project outcomes. Project goals - both planned and achieved - were aquisition of expertise and knowledge of participants, improvement of language skills (German and English) both in conversation and professional usage, provision of international experience and presentation of international labour market and employer demands. In addition, the participating students gained self-confidence and motivation to devolop themselves professionally and personally. Moreover, the project contributed to our school?s reputation and enriched tuition by transmision of good practice. In long term, we also benefit from co-operation with our German partner. We believe our time-proven co-operation will last.
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