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Staże dla Ślusarzy w Niemczech - część II
Start date: Oct 13, 2014, End date: Oct 12, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the project entitled „Vocational trainings for locksmiths in Germany” was to train 30 young people studying to become locksmiths and machine tool operators. Participants of this project travelled to Frankfurt (Oder) where they participated in 3 week vocational trainings in German training centre bbw Bildungszentrum Ostbrandenburg GmbH. Trainings took place during winter (1st and 3rd group) and summer (2nd group) summer breaks in 2015 and 2016. The participants of this project were young vocational school students in the age of 17 and 18. The participants were juvenile workers, supervised by Polish State Unit named Voluntary Labor Corps. Most of them are socially excluded; the majority comes from poor families, their parents are unemployed. They have school problems and learning difficulties. The first stage of the project was language and cultural preparation which helped to increase language abilities. The participants took part in cultural activities during which they got to know German history and traditions, differences between Poland and Germany in everyday life. Participants were also trained by vocational counsellor regarding job-seeking and preparing application documents. The main purpose of this project was to increase vocational abilities of the participants. The next step of the project were vocational trainings which lasted 3 weeks. Under supervision of well-trained specialists the participants successfully completed 2 projects which required knowledge from different aspects of ironwork (planning, designing, trimming, milling). The project took an important role in personal growth of its participants as it helped them not only to improve their vocational skills but also to gain language competences. What is more, self-confidence of the participants was improved. Those results are confirmed by the projects’ evaluation.
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