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Staż zagraniczny szansą na lepszy start zawodowy młodzieży
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are 3 partners participating in this project: the Complex of Schools of Hotel Management and Catering Industry in Toruń (Poland) as a sending partner and receiving partners Grm Novo mesto- the Centre of Biotechnology and Tourism in Slovenia and Naum Naumowski Borce Krushevo in Macedonia This project has been written to meet the needs of the students of gastronomy, confectionery, hotel and tourism classes. These students often come from a low-income background and do not have any chances to gain professional experience and competence, to improve their command of English, get acquainted with new cultures and new working methods in other countries. After completing the school, they will have to face up the challenges of the modern, exceptionally demanding labour market. We would like to help these young people start their careers. There will be 32 participants of the project from the second and the third years: 18 nutrition and gastronomy technicians, 4, pastry cooks, 6 hotel technicians and 4 tourism technicians and 4 teachers as accompanying persons. The first group consisting of 16 students and 2 teachers will go to Slovenia in March 2016, the other, identical group as for number and composition, will go to Macedonia in March 2017. The aim of our project is to improve students' vocational competence through: - acquiring vocational skills: preparing dishes of Slovenian and Macedonian cuisine and selecting wines to main courses( nutrition technicians) , making sweet and salty pastry typical of Slovenian and Macedonian cuisine( pastry cooks), providing additional services for foreign guests (hotel technician), planning and preparing a trip for the participant of the project and operating tourism computer programmmes (tourism students). - improving the command of the English language -shaping tolerant, open attitude towards other cultures and willingness to share one's own cultural heritage with foreign peers - improving the ability of working as a team member in a foreign environment - improving resourcefulness of participants - improving one's self- esteem The project will use the European credit transfer system- ECVET thanks to which the validation of students skills by the sending institution will be precise and efficient. There will be many benefits of this project. Receiving the Europass- Mobility, an European document confirming qualifications will increase students’ chances on the labour market. Being abroad, students will use English both during their training and meeting with Slovenian i Macedonian youth, thanks to which they will improve their command of the language, especially their speaking skills and increase their motivation to study foreign languages. In the future the good command of English along with tolerant attitude towards other cultures will contribute to the mobility of the participants of the project. The fact that they did well in a new environment will cause the raise of their self- esteem and confidence, thanks to which they will set ambitious goals and take challenges, first at school and then at work. The employers in the region will benefit too- they will be provided with well- qualified workers. The participants are going to make a films showing the process of preparing dishes and pastries of Slovenian and Macedonian cuisine. They are also going to make a presentation about the hotel complex and tourist attractions of Slovenia and Macedonia. These materials will be used to disseminate the results of the project at school and during different events, both local and regional, among them a popular in the region picnic "Tastes of Pomorze and Kujavy region". One will be able to find information about the project in the local press, on the Internet TV, on Facebook and You tube.The real effect of this project will be the raise of the prestige of our school in the region. The co-operation with the school from Slovenia will contribute to better relationship between partner cities, Toruń and Novo mesto. We hope that promotion of Slovenia and Macedonia tourist attractions make some Polish people visit these countries. We count on similar actions from our partners' side. Increased tourist movement between our countries would be a desirable long- term effect of this project.
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2 Partners Participants