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STAYON In-service Training Course
Start date: Oct 13, 2014, End date: Oct 12, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Albertslund Youth Centre (AYC) )has a special focus on students with learning difficulties and early school leaving The AYC is the local leading partner in the LLP project RECIPE between 5 European partners. The main purpose of that project is to focus on Ealy school leaving (drop outs) and youth education. Three teachers from AYC intends to particpate the STAYON 5 days in-servece training course in Ennis in Ireland 13th - 17th October 2014. The STAYON course is about preventing school dropout. Objectives: - To exchange experiences in how to get students to Stay On in education - To explore, develop and evaluate “best practice” from a number of European teachers, trainers, principals and policy makers - To reduce early school leaving for students in groups at risk AYC teachers can benefit from the course and contribute to the course output. All acticities related to the STAYON course wil be inetegrated in the school activities and transferred to the RECIPE project through the preparation of a series of workshops and case studies. The collaborative evaluation of the case-studies provides the basis for a range of innovative outputs and products. These are directed to the specific needs of our local. national and European target groups. It will be most valuable for the local AYC development of strategies to prevent early school leaving and for their work
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