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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT’S PARTICIPANTS Project’s direct participants – vocational training last course students of builder – constructions finisher and electromechanic professions. PROJECT’S DURATION 2014 06 01 – 2015 05 31, total 12 months. There will be two internships: one to Germany and one more to Malta. Total number of participants – 16. PROJECT’S PARTNERS 1. Elektrenai Vocational Training Centre – project’s coordinator 2. Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH (Leipzig, Germany) – hosting partner 3. IZI Ltd. (Valletta, Malta) – hosting partner PROJECT’S MAIN GOAL Project’s main goal: to educate and improve professional skills, general abilities and specific competences of builder – constructions finisher and electromechanic profession students as well as increase their entrepreneurship and self-confidence trying to achieve better work quality and employment possibilities in Lithuania’s and EU’s labor market. OTHER OBJECTIVES 1. to educate the following specific professional competences of participants; 1.1. for electromechanics: to know how to install and maintain electricity system’s protection against surge and fluctuation of voltage; be able to install electricity installation in areas of high humidity. 5.1. for builders – constructions finishers in Malta: to know to use ceramic, stone-made and marble-made bricks in the decoration of interior and exterior; be able to use natural stone in the building works. 1.2. for builders – constructions finishers in Germany: to know how to renovate exterior buildings’ walls and do restoration works; to be able to do interior renovation and conservation works, to know methods of restoration. 2. to educate new general professional competences and improve the ones already acquired, especially taking into consideration their contribution to labor market of today; 3. to create the environment, where participants could acquire entrepreneurship and initiative skills, self-sufficiency, abilities to work in business and different situations; 4. to raise the level of participants’ self-confidence, self-esteem and sociability, to educate participants’ awareness and understanding of other cultures, tolerance; 5. to improve participants’ foreign language and communicative skills in foreign environment, team-work abilities. EXPECTED PROJECT’S RESULTS • Completed professional training under the internship program; • Acquired internship’s evaluation certificates – Europasses, certificates of hosting organizations and project’s coordinator. Professional competences, acquired during the internship, are evaluated by ECVET methods. • Made reports of internships; • Raised level of the participants’ professional competences according to their professional requirements; • Improved practical skills of participants giving better integration possibilities into Lithuania’s and EU’s labor markets; • Improved language and communication skills of participants; • Raised level of participants’ self-confidence, initiative skills, entrepreneurship, sociability as well as tolerance and cultural awareness; EVALUATION DOCUMENTS • Europass mobility document; • Certificate of hosting organization; • Certificate of internship’s recognition by Elektrenai Vocational Training Centre; IMPACT Participants will acquire and improve practical skills, general abilities and specific professional competences, acquire entrepreneurship, skills self-confidence and achieve better possibilities in Lithuania’s and EU’s labor market. While having practice in companies, participants will acquire entrepreneurship and initiative skills, self-sufficiency and abilities to adjust to labor market in any country. Participants will acquire Europass, which is recognized in whole EU, specific competences, acquired during the internship, will be accepted by ECVET. Participants will improve their foreign language skills, team work abilities, raise the level of self confidence, self-esteem, feel themselves stronger psychologically before entering labor market. Participating organizations will raise the level of international collaboration between educational institutions, improve process of vocational training. Organizations’ staff will improve organizational and international management skills, get familiar with good practices and work methods of the partners. Projects residual impact will be ensured by dissemination and recognition documents. Experiences and succession will be used in future projects. DISSEMINATION Project’s dissemination will be addressed to entrepreneurs, youth, local authorities and society of Elektrenai and surrounding districts; present and future students of Elektrenai Vocational Training Centre, their parents, teachers and school’s community; potential trainees of hosting organizations. Methods of project’s dissemination: articles in web-pages and regional newspapers, stands and booklets about project, presentations of the internships and consideration of project’s results.
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