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Standardised Linguistic Examinations For Medical Purposes
Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

The project aims at developing assessment tools for testing language competences for professional purposes in the field of medicine. With the increased mobility of medical professionals on the one hand and rising competitiveness on the European market on the other hand a growing demand for formal confirmation of the linguistic skills in the health sector is observed. The main rationale behind the sTANDEM project is to provide both the educational sector and the professional medical sector with the standardised assessment tools which would measure linguistic competences for professional purposes in accordance with the Common European Framework. The examination system is to cover levels ranging from B1 to C1 of the CEFR. Assessment tools will be developed to provide quality learning opportunities to medical professionals involved in formal education at higher and advanced vocational level, as well as those pursuing non-formal and informal educational paths. The envisaged project outcomes are to develop: - medicine-specific language needs analysis questionnaires in 6 languages - medicine-specific language and communication descriptions based on the CEFR in 6 languages- templates for developing language exams for medical purposes in 6 languages - 24 complete sets of the sTANDEM examinations including 4 papers: reading, listening, writing and speaking papers ( 19 sets in English and 5 in other languages) - a handbook for examiners- a handbook for exam-takers- educational materials for the examiners (including video materials) Additionally 4 examinations centers will be established in which 9 standardised examinations for work-purposes will be offered to medical professionals during the project life-time. The sTANDEM project will utilise the best practices from the former EU-funded projects related to assessment issues such as DIALANG, CEFRPO and TESPIS to develop a standardised examination system testing language competences specifically for medical professionals.
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  •   398 101,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LANGUAGES (KEY ACTIVITY 2)\Multilateral Projects
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

9 Partners Participants