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Start date: Aug 15, 2016, End date: Aug 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our mobility project- INTERNSHIP TRAINING PRACTICE FOR FUTURE NURSES IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH EUROPEAN STANDARDS aims to enhance the transition from school to professional life and to increase the competitiveness of VET school graduate, with specialization of nurses, on the job market, in a field in a permanent development - Emergency Medicine.The major purpose of the project is to increase the quality of initial vocational training for future nurses from our school, by applying in real environment but in another health system, the theoretical knowledge acquired as well as forming new skills practical in emergency situations under the supervision of qualified tutors from another health system. In this context, future nurses need:-to develop the capacity for receiving messages from the traumatized patient;-to know and use the tools, by bringing new values of materials available;-to draw plans of care in emergency situations; -to submit further the newest methods of care in emergency situationsOverall objective: enhance knowledge of conduct surgical emergencies by deepening the information within the national curriculum, and specific skills necessary in emergency situations in any health establishment in the country and abroad. More than that , by combining theoretical training with practical training, in other health system, through a mobility program. This mobility program involves 20 students, in two stages for a period of three weeks, during the school year 2016-2017.The specific objectives are: - through participation at the mobility we follow the development and strengthening of all practice skills of students, according to SPDC (Dimitrie Cantemir VET School) module “Conduct in emergency situation”, general nurse specialization, third year of study, qualification level 5.- enhancing skills of teamwork , professional communication in multilingual and multicultural teams with patients from other cultures, and the use of new medical technologies at the level of modern requirements and European standards.- the development of cultural competences, formation of new linguistic skills (Italian) and acquiring a behavior of a European citizen.The knowledge’s improvement and development of personal competences for the participants , will have their preparation tasks more secure and all these will be proved by the EUROPASS documents.In this case all participants will be able to make their best choice regarding their future jobs, in other words, the transition from school to labor market.The Internship Training will take place at Azieda Sanitarie Regionale del Molise – Campobasso (Italy).The placement is part of the curricula- curricula of the school decision- Medical emergencies in special resuscitation situations – are included in the internship program of the school. The course of Medical emergency resuscitation in special circumstances is open to the students in their third year of study and is strengthening the knowledge of conduct in medico-surgical emergencies.The acquired skills must provide the trainees (students) the opportunity to operate effectively and professionally in concrete medical situation.The project supports the participants in their vocational training at European standards, preparing them better to integrate on the European labor market. The project is contributing to personal development of the participants by helping them to acquire competencies and transverse communication, linguistic and cultural skills, developing in the same time the adaptability of the future nurses to work and live in a increasingly multicultural society.Each participant will receive a EUROPASS mobility certificate .The implement of national authority for evaluation used, is the notation in the module those theoretical knowledge gained from our school and those practice skills acquired within the framework of mobility.
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