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Staff's training as a pillar of innovative teaching
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Staff's training as a pillar of innovative teaching “involves staff from “Istituto Piccolomini”, a complex secondary school, including 4 different institutes with different curricula: Classic studies, Music, Foreign Languages, Arts and Pedagogy and Humanities. All school’s section are located in Siena and its province; they have about 1250 students; the teaching staff is composed by 187 people. The project will include staff mobility for 16 people in different European destinations (Ireland, Spain, Germany, Potugal, Greece, Estonia, Finland, France). The previewed activities will be attending training courses and job shadowing. Although active participants may be only a small percentage of total number of Institute’s staff, 100% employees and teachers will be involved in organization, management and most of all dissemination. Several Institute’s documents (RAV, PDM, PTOF) state some topics whose enhancement and implementation should be considered as strategic and are to be seen as definite objectives for the Institute to reach: among them, the development of innovative and good teaching practices, particularly aimed to inclusivity and key competences; the implementation of ICT for teaching and of Moodle LMS for blended learning and other school’s activities; the enhancement of staff and students’ L2 competence also by means of CLIL methodology; Institute’s internationalisation and development of stronger European citizenship awareness; the development of a life-long learning strategy and environment for staff’s training in ICT and/or multimedia and /or didactic to pupils with special needs. Structured training is needed in all these fields; different approaches and teaching methods experimented in schools from different European education environment are also to be considered of primary interest. These are the basic aims of our projects and its two training activities, that will be finalised to the same training objectives by formal (in-service training ) and non-formal (job shadowing) learning: with two partner institution from Spain. In this second phase Italian teachers will visit Spanish school to see colleagues at work and experiment with a hands-on approach teaching methodologies in classes o 14-16 years old students. They will collect experience, materials and ideas at the same time. Moreover, they will share internationalisation’s experience of partners. In the hosting phase, schools’ competences in terms of art laboratories, multimedia didactic and digital competence, inclusion of students with special needs will be shared with Spanish colleagues by job shadowing and participation to Italian curricular and extra-curricular activities. Both steps will be of basic importance do develop and empower the abovementioned competence; in both phases Italian and Spanish colleagues will be sharing their competences, getting a new perspective of the two education systems and confronting them, especially in terms of foreign languages’ teaching issues and didactic and pedagogic approaches.Benefits are to be expected both in immediate and long terms. Not only will the sharing of experience on a European level improve participants and other teachers’ UE key competences: remarkable implementation is also expected in students’ competences, especially in regards of all key competences and education success. A positive impact is also predictable in reducing dropout rates, in terms of building up a more inclusive and motivating environment for students. Finally, a positive spillover is expected on administrative staff, in terms of competences gained by collaborating to activities organization and schools’ exchange and supporting international mobility. These activities will ease the acquirement of new specific skills and more in general a more inter-cultural outlook.

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