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Stärkung der Identität /Mehrsprachigkeit in Unterricht und Schulleben (Ganztagsbereich) und Individualisierung von Lernprozessen
Start date: Aug 3, 2014, End date: Aug 2, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At our school pupils study with various linguistic prerequisites and with a background of heterogeneous learning positions. The linguistic and cultural diversity of our pupils should be taken into account. By speaking a variety of languages and thus being able to teach our pupils these languages at school, we set the basis for a life- long learning of languages and cultural interest in other countries. It enables our pupils to be more tolerant and open minded towards people of other countries. Also it is important to support the linguistic competence of all the participants of the project in order to make excellent use of our already existing and planned school partnerships throughout Europe. The languages in use for our current Comenius project and planned Erasmus + project are mostly English, Spanish and French. An essential debate over aims, contents and developmental tendencies of modern pedagogy can be just held by having fundamental knowledge of the languages in use (English, Spanish and French). Our project includes participation in various language courses and an internship at a Belgium school. Eleven teachers and one nursery school teacher from our day care who works with us in 1st and 2nd grade and in some language classes take part in it. Three teachers work in 1st and 2nd grade, the other teachers work in 3rd to 6th grade. 3 teachers teach either English or French. All participants of the project are involved in language education. Our school profile includes learning English or French starting with 3rd grade. English and French are additionally being taught in some optional courses at our school. The situation of the staff at our school requires furthermore an extension of foreign language teachers. We are also planning to expand our Roman languages in the future and are thinking about teaching Spanish as an optional course at our school. We expect from the internship in Belgium an enhanced view on all the different aspects of individualization of learning processes, from the diagnosis to the planning of lessons up to a critical reflection of teachers.
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