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Spreading Holistic and Re-empowering Employability Support Good Practice

SHARE is about identifying innovative good practice in each country to engage, support and develop people recovering from problems such as addictions, homelessness or mental ill health, and help them move towards and into employment. The emphasis was on holistic approaches to address the whole person's needs and different aspects of their life. We included approaches from public, third and social enterprise sectors. The SHARE Partnership has been led by Light on the Path in Scotland, Stockholm City Council's Jobbtorg service in Stockholm and Dublin Employment Pact. We also invited jHouse of Stockholm to join us as a silent partner in place of their sister company Eccelera, which was approved as a partner but closed.Service providers at different levels and former service users from each country took part in study tours and explored together different approaches to consider using at home. During the tours, they could compare how well the ideas we saw would fit their local environment and their own organisation. Some of the ideas were taken up immediately by some participating organisations, others have been developed with further funding.After the study tours, the partners in each country held workshops for their colleagues in the wider employability field to share the good practice we learned about. This included visitors from the Scottish study tour taking part in presentations at the Stockholm dissemination workshop about the tour, which has led to further partnerships.After the first of three study tours, we decided to deepen the learning about some places we had visited and give Scottish former service users an opportunity for work experience to give them an edge in the field of employability support. We applied successfully for Leonardo Mobilities funding and ran two flows of work placements in Stockholm for Scottish peer mentors.Finally, we worked together to develop a bigger project to roll out an eGuidance tool from the Dublin tour.
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3 Partners Participants