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Spread Share - connecting trainers of deaf pupils in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Spread Share project emerges on the continuation of Spread the Sign projects that have been developed since 2006. Spread the Sign ( is an online free multilingual dictionary of sign languages. The partnership is composed by experienced teams that worked in previous projects, as well as new partners that will give their contribution to this new stage and to the spreading of sign language all over Europe. The Spread Share project aims to develop a platform in which teachers and trainers of deaf pupils can upload and download self-made materials that can be used in pedagogical practices with deaf pupils. These materials can be sign language videos or other documents that can be helpful for other teachers of deaf. This share platform will be integrated in the Spread the Sign dictionary. Users will have registered access, so no jeopardizing will be allowed to other users or contents. At the same time, a Google Map function with sign language videos with names of cities, locals, buildings and other objects, will be incorporated in the platform. Through these tools, teachers of deaf will be able to share documents, inspiring other teachers across the countries and Europe. There will be 14 partner institutions, among which deaf schools, deaf organisations and universities. All of them have experience with sign languages and deaf education, and all have the most interest in promote and improve these two areas. Accumulated knowledge in previous projects is an assurance of quality and responsibility to develop this project. Partners will contact target groups (teachers and trainers of deaf pupils) to participate in the development of this share platform, testing is usability and filling it with pedagogical contents. Also, they will be responsible for the national production of sign language videos for the dictionary and the Google Map function, as well as for the quality assurance of the uploaded materials. All teams will participate in dissemination events in order to present the share platform to new users. The feedback of users will be mobilized to improve this project’s products and results, and it will be assembled through standardized instruments such as questionnaires and interviews. Other indicators, such as using statistics will be used to monitor the use of the platform. This is a breakthrough in what concerns sign language and deaf education promotion all over Europe, so a big number of users is expected since the beginning. The expected impact in deaf pupils education is not easily measurable once there are hundreds of thousands teachers and pupils all over Europe. Being this a transnational tool, we expect to reach a lot of them, contributing to change and ameliorate pedagogical practices and educational achievements. Our ultimate goals are the improvement of deaf pupils education and the modification of policy makers posture, making the give more attention to this population. In a European globalized context, education is central to make more informed citizens and contributors. This project can be seen as another important piece of the puzzle towards the change of mentalities and practices.

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11 Partners Participants