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Sprachkompetenzentwicklung und Medienkompetenzsteigerung von Projektteilnehmern im Rahmen des Qualitätsmanagements zur Unterrichtsentwicklung am Beruflichen Schulzentrum Wurzen
Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Jun 25, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Improvement of language and media skills The project of our vocational school center targets at raising skills of our teachers in medium use and foreign language knowledge for the use in instruction practice and with the organization of European school projects. Within 12 months ,3 subject teachers of the three departments of our school -agriculture, economy and administration and catering trade/technology will develop both their English knowledge as well as their knowledge of the use of media in two-week English courses and find possible European partners for school projects . We expect an increase of the interest in European projects with different partners, in order to motivate in particular also our trainees in this respect. We expect also to strengthen the readiness of further staff members at similar measures in the coming years. We will reach this with complex information about the possibilities of the Erasmus+ project. The results of the project planning and the course of the project as well as the effects will be documented on our homepage. In the coming school year 2014/2015 there will be an emphasis on the planned project when organizing the annual pedagogical day with students in order to inform the majority of students and teachers about the program in progress. With these measures will we on a long-term basis fulfill our task to enhance the topicality and boost the quality of the training concerning development of intercultural awareness and tolerance.
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