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Sports Coaching Development - A step nearer to the workplace
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Erasmus plus projects continue the positive work and momentum created by our previous work under the Leonardo da vinci initiative. Dating back to 2010 when we were introduced to the European Commission and the opportunities that existed. Aligning these ideas to our ethos and philosophies we developed a project to further support our learners through the integration of foreign travel and studies abroad. This was only made possible through the EU funding that was available. Our work in sport and education combined with our work traveling oversees prompted our understanding for the need of exposure to travel and cultural immersion for vocational learners to administer the development in their chosen vocation. Whilst at the same time creating environments and scenarios that would promote the growth of social and soft skills such as better communication, confidence, decision making, time management and optimism. Combining both of these aspects formed our objectives of increasing employability opportunities and preparing participants for their next steps into the workplace. Our journey over the past years and with the support of the commission has enabled us to evolve our aims, refine our processes and develop our relationship with partners, to ensure that we are delivering the highest quality projects for our selected participants. As briefly outlined above our main project objective has remained consistent throughout but we have had the benefit of being able to evolve our ideas, activities and methods through experiences, participant feedback and networking with other project coordinators at seminar events led by the commission team. Our project for the 2014 call was aimed at providing an opportunity for young people across varied backgrounds, many of which from lower class backgrounds with fewer opportunities. The selected participants were all enrolled in VET colleges across North East Fife and Tayside and were studying Higher National Certificate (HNC) and Higher National Diploma (HND) in sports coaching with development and professional golf studies. The course qualifications are the equivalent to SCQF level 7 and 8 and around 175 learners a mixture of male and female aged between 16 -25 from our partner colleges. These students are involved in work placement activities with AMsportstours and 61 of these students were recruited and have completed the full project lifecycle. Participants worked alongside their assigned mentors in their host countries, following a typical working day/week in the life of a professional in that vocation. Each placement activities were specific to each individual participant based on their experience, interests and level of confidence. This was an important part of preparation and required regular dialogue with their mentor, which was overseen and supported by AMsportstours and partners. We wanted our participants to be involved in the planning of placement activities and with this ensured the value and relevance of the activities they completed. Generally work related activities involved travel to work place, using means of public transportations services, the planning, delivery and evaluation of coaching sessions delivered to their group of Swedish/Spanish children/youths. Aside from the actual work related activities an important part of our project is to encourage our learners to immerse themselves in the new culture and to support this we created a list of additional activities they could do. This included sightseeing visits, outdoor group activities, match tickets to watch live football and other social activities like going out for dinner in the city to a traditional Swedish restaurant. Results and impacts attained at this stage having only recently completed the project from a participant perspective is that all learners have successfully passed there respective courses in which some modules where assessed during mobility period and credited. We have noticed that participants completing these modules on placement achieved better results compared to those not on placement and we put this down to environment and increased motivation of the participants which is created by the project. Participants are now considering there next steps towards employment and for many this will be progression through higher education and for others into full time roles in employment. AMsportstours are supporting this process by giving advice and acting as a credible reference and in addition to the recognition the project offers will stand our participants with an increased likelihood of success. In terms of impact of this it is very clear to see the participants have returned from placement with fresh ideas, outlooks and also direction, again something that has only materialised from the foreign travel opportunity with Erasmus plus.

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