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Sports and Physical Activities in Psychosocial Interventions

In Europe psychosocial and social problems, lifestyle related diseases and non-communicable diseases are on the rise. This puts a significant pressure on the resources and expertise of the public sectors. Therefore, humanitarian organizations and private institutes are increasingly needed to provide social support. A physically active life can benefit psychosocial well-being in a number of ways, including lowered risk of depression and lower stress levels. Sport and physical activities are popular all over the world and sport can be a powerful tool for social inclusion, if implemented in the right way ensuring inclusion of the most vulnerable in developing a SPA intervention. Our target group (trainers, coaches, pedagogues, social workers, teachers etc.) are in a key position to respond to these challenges by enabling the end-users (students, staff and volunteers) to provide psychosocial support (PSS) to vulnerable groups through the use of SPA. However, they need further education themselves in order to provide high quality trainings that can be cascaded through local branches of their organizations.
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3 Partners Participants