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Specific Training Aiming at Renewable energies and Sustainability
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sustainability is a major concern for today's societies and the European VET sector also has to face this challenge by preparing learners for the new objectives which are pointed out in the strategy "Europe 2020" and by being closer to the industrial world. This is the reason why 5 European institutions created a partnership whose main goal is to contribute to support young learners or adults in the reach of knowledge, competences and qualifications, in order to facilitate their integration in the professional fields of renewable energies or ecobuilding.To reach this goal, the Lycée Charles Augustin COULOMB initially elaborated a 3-step European Development Plan :- Phase n°1 (preparatory step) : search of potential European partners ;- Phase n°2 (Leonardo da Vinci partnership with 4 other VET institutions, "European Training Modules-Renewable Energies", reference 2012-1-FR1-LEO04-35536 1) : creation of a European training kit called "STARS" ("Specific Training Aiming at Renewable energies and Sustainability") including 5 different and complementary training modules which offer several possible solutions to the following question : "How to get energetical self-sufficiency in a European village ?" ;- Phase n°3 (individual mobilities of learners) : launching of a sustainable project proposing European mobilities to the specific needs of the 5 institutions' learners who would like to get some advantage from the "STARS" programme.The forecasted mobilities are related to 12 French learners of the Lycée Charles Augustin COULOMB, selected in order to follow one foreign training module of the "STARS" programme. These learners are completing their STI2D Baccalauréat national curriculum and they have got specific learning in European classes. The third step of the European Development Plan will reinforce their national training (which is already focused on technology and sustainability) adding a different concrete experiment and allowing them to live a unique moment mixing intercultural, linguistic and vocational dimensions and making their potential employability rise.Such a project will normally have a substantial impact both on the VET sector and on many actors taking part in environment, social studies or economy (public authorities or private entities).In order to make this mobility project more visible, a large dissemination plan has been thought. This plan will use different informatory tools (event days, leaflets and posters, multimedia documents, new ICT tools) and it will be focused on each impacted sector.The "STARS" programme was elaborated with a strong will to reach sustainable mobilities of learners througout Europe. These mobilities will participate in making social, cultural and vocational cultures be closer on our continent. This is a major condition to face a more and more demanding worldwide economic competition.

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