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Special Skills
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Special Skills is a project of Erasmus +, KA1, which encourages the development of school education and is prepared by Ljubljana School for the Deaf. The project will last 24 months and includes 22 participants, of which one teacher is Deaf with interpreter.Project Special skills emphasizes the promotion of general education of the deaf and hard of hearing, children with speech and language difficulties and children with autism. Similar schools can only be found beyond our borders, because there is a lack of such schools in Slovenia.In this project, we have three different groups of participants, firstparticipants will observe at workplace - job shadowing, other target group consists of teachers, assistants, and they will try a new challenge - how to teach autistic kids at a partner school, a third group of participants will attend seminars. For each area of development, we found a partner with which we will develop our priority fields. Our areas are: new knowledge in the field of assistants for autism in elementary school, new methods and forms of work with children with autism, new knowledge in the field of speech methods in primary school and kindergarten, knowledge of the school sign language interpreters and new knowledge in the field of residential units for primary school children. In exceptional school with a kindergarten in the UK we will gain experience in the field of autism, both in their quality seminars, on job shadowing and two teacherswill also have the opportunity to teach autistic children. By visiting the school in Lithuania we will focus on speech therapy and pedagogy and in Turkey we will focus on the innovative aspects of teaching children with autism. Seminar in Italy will be devoted to school interpreters. We plan to carefully manage the project in all its phases, with an emphasis on the preparation of all participants, the dissemination which starst on the first day of the project and lasts after the end of our project. Dissemination starts in our own organization, and will be expanded through time in the Slovenian schools, and with a help of a broad network even to other European organizations, especially to our partners organizations in other KA1 and KA2 projects. A wide range of interested stakeholders will be reached with our articles, and the results will be published at the national and European platforms: EACEA, School Education Gateway, Geneva (Special Needs), Moodle, blog and website of Special Skills project. All participants will be active in eTwinning, for which we will also educate them within this project. We are going to evaluate all phases of the project, because our goal is the continuous improvement of our work in Erasmus +, all our activities will be monitored with a help of the electronic evaluation forms.The project, which addresses the objectives of the program and objectives of the Europa 2020 will also maintain its sustainability through a new seminar A transfer of good practice in Erasmus+ programme organized by Ljubljana School for the Deaf and a range of materials that will also be publicly accessible on Moodle.The project Special Skills is extremely valuable for Ljubljana School for the Deaf because it allows our teachers professional networking in Europe and with constant work in Erasmus+ also contributes to development of special field pedagogy in Europe.
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4 Partners Participants