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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Five small and medium size vocational training centers: ALTAVIANA, which teaches VET-Degrees in Cookery and Gastronomy and in Bakery, Pastry and Confectionery; FEGREPPA, which teaches a VET-Degree in Bakery, Pastry and Confectionery; EFA TORREALEDUA, where people can learn VET-Degrees in Nursing Assistant and in Care for Dependent People; EFA EL CAMPICO, where VET-Degrees in IT and in Gardening are taught; and CENTRE CIUTAT VELLA, where people can learn VET-Degrees in Nursing Assistant and in Pharmacy and Parapharmacy, have joined in a common collaborative project with the participation in its management of the firm Mobilitas Training Projects, Ltd. (MTP), establishing for that reason a VET-Consortium. They have developed an Strategic Plan for the next five years in order to achieve common objectives, aimed to improve the employability of their students in the European market by updating the training methods, the spread of the European dimension and the organization and internationalization of the Centers. To this end, collaborative agreements have been established with four German Craft Chambers: Handwerkskammer Aachen, Handwerkskammer Berlin, Handwerkskammer Düsseldorf and Handwerkskammer Koblenz, all of them with thousands of affiliated companies and with a great history of collaboration in training. For this reason they are the perfect complement to help to reach the objectives that the Consortium expects to achieve as it is written in the Strategic Plan. The present project is framed in these goals. The specific actions to be developed are three mobility flows: - The first one for the accomplishment of work placements (which are a part of the curricular requirements for their graduation) in Germany that involve 25 students in their 2nd training year. The underaged students will be accompanied by some teachers the first three days in order to ensure a good inclusion. - The second flow is formed by a group of 5 graduated students in France to develop complementary work placements to the internships developed in Spain.- The third flow is formed by 10 teachers who will develop a short training period to observe new techniques, teaching and organizational methods that may report to the consortium partners information and knowledge to improve the training quality they provide.The project includes actions prior to, during and after the mobility. With the applied methodology the entire project has been divided into 29 different actions, each of which gets a space of time to be run and a responsible for it. The responsibilities attached to ensuring the implementation of each of the actions, are included in the commitments signed between the partners. The ultimate goal of the project has already been expressed in a summed way: to increase the teaching quality and the employability of the students. But to get to that end is necessary to pass through some objective results, a certain impact, in very different areas and some long-term benefits. We can summarize them as follows: - In the case of the students, to develop work placements in accordance with their training level and to encourage knowledge; in the case of the teachers, the possibility to observe techniques and organization methods of prestigious schools or laboratories, in order to increase their training and motivation. - To broaden the current view of the social and economical world that teachers and learners have at present . - To internalize the importance of language skills and do the best to learn them. - To increase self-esteem by measuring their own progress. - To improve the knowledge and experience of teachers through the monitoring of project activities and cooperation with other institutions. To extract applicable knowledge to the improvement of the centers in the line drawn by the Strategic Plan.- Influencing the educational and business environment and the civil society to insert the ideas of quality improvement in education and creating opportunities through cooperation between institutions in the European context.
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