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Spain Intern
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project 'Spain intern' contains a four-week long internship in Spain and enables to get a deeper impact of the Spanish tourism industry. In collaboration with the German national agency NA-Bibb, the European department of the professional schools in Munich and the city network XARXA FP (namely the foundation Fundacio BCN Formació Professional) in Barcelona do we, the Tourism College in Munich, offer our students the possibility to attend a training modul in a touristic enterprise in Barcelona. This tourist destination is among the relevant contents for the final exam of travel agents and therefore, that city was picked. One of the most important aims of the project is the operation of a training stage abroad, in order to achieve further aims like: - deepening language skills, especially touristic ones; - broadening the knowledge by taking the perspective of the destination country and adopting it to the workplace in Germany; - promoting flexibility, motivation and personality; - learning by doing. Travel agents need to perform at work by professional expertise. Traditional travel agencies fear to loose market shares to the internet. A client needs to see an advantage why booking offline. This project generates professional competence like to know important things considering Spain as a tourist destination, how to get there, market players, infrastructure, sights, and so on. Participants have the chance to gain some working experience abroad. Along with that comes occupational and social competence. According to current regulations, travel agents ought to use a foreign language when doing a task. That implicates to know about specific knowledge, using foreign information, putting a request and being able to inform, correspond and communicate in a foreign language. By participating, the students will do all this in Spanish and English. The latter one is a substitute language in case of missing knowledge in Spanish and hence link international communicators contributing to a better understanding of the different peoples in Europe. Getting to know people in a touristic relevant region for the German market is an expected goal along with going on networking afterwords with these contacts. Participants observe the Spanish work environment and realise differences to their situation in Germany. That will help them to improve decision-making and responsibility in their jobs. Our students will be fit for the European job market by developing a variety of competences.

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