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Space Transportation Assets Valorisation in Europe (STAVE)
Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"STAVE (Space Transportation Assets Valorisation in Europe) is a 24-month Support Action aiming at identifying, evaluating and valorising the skills (research laboratories, universities, research institutes, SMEs, industry) of the New Member States (NMS) of the European Union, in the domain of Space Transportation (ST). This will contribute to the overall objective of maintaining an independent access to Space for Europe. The consortium is composed of 3 partner countries representing 90% of the European effort in ST: France, Germany and Italy. This team will gather European ST scientific and technological needs for preparation of the future, in accordance with the existing National and European space agencies roadmaps. These needs will be presented to the NMS through a set of workshops in each interested country. The systematic use of the existing networks of NCPs, embassies, agencies and institutional representatives, combined with website information, will enable identifying and contacting as many entities as possible in the 12 NMS. A multidisciplinary team of senior experts covering the whole ST domain, chosen among institutional organisations of the three partner countries, will then visit and thoroughly evaluate candidate entities with the aim of obtaining a qualified mapping of NMS technical skills applicable to ST. A particular focus will be put on novel techniques and methodologies potentially applicable to heliothermic propulsion, new generation of solid, electric and cryogenic propulsions… Overall results and conclusions will be documented as technical guidelines enabling NMS entities to answer more easily to calls or projects from EC, ESA and/or multilateral approaches in the ST domain.. A website will be developed in order to promote the project, inform widely about its action, provide information and reach all entities willing to participate in Space Transportation."

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