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South East Europe harmonised qualification of professional Drivers
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our SEED project aims to raise the level of professionalism in road freight transport for both instructors and drivers through a cross-national, cross-sectoral and multilingual partnership (9 partners in 7 countries: France, Belgium, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo). SEED is aimed primarily at increasing the level of training and technical skills for instructors who provide initial and periodic training (CPC Driver) to truck drivers in the South Eastern region of Europe. By making the best use of their "differences," resources, skills, knowledege and expertise of the field, partners will produce a package of training resources including a core programmme enriched with partners' national needs and labour market requirements, ICT-based case studies, driver's and instructor's guides, examination forms and evaluation methods. SEED training programme will also promote innovative and interactive pedagogical approaches whilst exploring new training and learning strategies in the field of road transport. All 9 partners will be strongly committed in designing, implementing, monitoring, rating and disseminating project results for a successful partnership. Pilot training sessions will be organised in each participating South East Europe country halfway through the project lifetime in order to evaluate the relevance and quality of the SEED programme nationwide prior to its further dissemination in the EU and beyond. National workshops for awareness-building in each SEE participating country, European meetings and conferences will be set up to showcase the SEED project outcomes to the wider community of private and public stakeholders of the road freight transport industry. The final objective of SEED is to lead to harmonisation of CPC Driver training and mutual recognition of driver qualification in full conformity with the objectives of EU ET 2020 and EU transport legislation In a nutshell our project will result in: * Higher level of professionalism in road transport delivery * Motivated workforce, committed to their jobs and likely to be making positive contributions to their organisations * Better trained and better qualified instructors and professional drivers * New learning experiences across cultural borders (between Western and South East Europe/SEE) * Extended network of relationship between different countries * Increased capacity building and potential for innovation and change in a rapidly-evolving sector * increased labour mobility

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8 Partners Participants